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10-18 发布 299 次浏览 展会信息 信息编号:97




expatshow, 举办时间:-/9/18----/9/20 举办展馆:上海展览中心;上海市延安中路1000号 乘车路线 所属行业:进出口 展会城市:上海|上海市 举办周期:一年一届 官方-:-://.expatshowshanghai-/ 参观登记 展位预订 设计搭建 本展会所属专题:商品交易展会(0)贸易投资展会(0) 展会简介 Around 200 exhibitors will present their products and -s during Expat Show and, during the two past editions, it was not always easy to compare them if you were looking for something very specific.This year, in order to make your visit easier, we have dived the exhibition into 4 main areas that are described below.; - World Events AgencyZi Jin Han Plaza Bldg 6 Rm. 601-603No.1035 Nan Quan Bei RoadShanghai -22 China 上海市浦东新区南泉北路1035号6幢601-603室Tel: (+86) (21) 5196 1180 Fax: (+86) (21) 5058 6650Email:ess09@weacn 展位预定: 参观咨询: --> 由于本站部分展会信息来源于会员发布及网络,不完全保证信息的的准确性、真实性,如果您有任何疑问请直接联系展会官方确认。 更多>>参展商名录 公司名称 电话 传真 邮箱 联系人 -/特装 A Pleines Ma- 131 6228 0 ------ apleine-a ------ Active Kz Sha +86 21 640 +86 21 542 Elaine@act ------ The Activity Bo +86 21 688 +86 21 587 -@theac ------ AEMBA--法国马赛商 +86 21 629 +86 21 629 aemba@sjtu ------ AGS Four Winds +86 21 312 +86 21 628 sales-shan ------ (此展会共有173家参展商,查看更多展商名单,请咨询电话:021-59555732 QQ: 2880196869) 。芜湖展会信息发布。

芜湖展会信息 expatshow
